Meet With Us

We are excited to introduce our new and improved online calendar scheduler! This tool cuts out the back and forth that usually occurs when trying to find a date and time that works for both parties. It’s simple… Use the links below to schedule an appointment with a team member. The meeting can be in person in our NY/FL office or a virtual video call you can attend from anywhere! Just choose the correct appointment. We can’t wait to have all of our team members online and easy to do business with! If you don’t see your preferred agent, you can call us to make an appointment, or reach out to Katie Chuber.

Schedule an appointment with Our Team

More Team members on the way…

Katie Chuber

Office Manager


Schedule an appointment with our office manager, Katie Chuber for requests such as arranging meetings with our NY Personal Sales Staff or NY In-Office Meetings. General Requests she can see to as well.

Meet Katie

Michael Chuber



Schedule an appointment with our CEO Michael Chuber. He also handles all Business Insurance Sales for NY & FL. He’s in charge of Partnership requests, Hiring, and Content Co-Creator requests.

Meet Michael

Anthony Viscuso

Account Executive

Fl Personal Sales

Schedule an appointment with our Florida Personal Lines Sales Rep, Anthony Viscuso. He has an extended knowledge of the intricacies of Florida Personal Policies to better assist you with your questions.

Meet Anthony

Phil Adamo

Account Executive

DIrector of Marketing

Schedule an appointment with one of our NY Sales Reps, Phil Adamo. He is excited to work with you to get you coverage for your personal or commercial needs in NY.

Meet Phil

Call An Agent

Don’t want to explore the site? Sick of reading this insurance mumbo-jumbo? No worries, we are here to take your call and answer your questions. We’re open: Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm.


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