Personal Umbrella Insurance 101

In the event of an accident, or personal injury, medical and legal expenses can mount quickly. Your basic automobile or homeowners policy is probably well equipped to handle most day to day occurrences.

In the event of a severe injury, or even death, those kind of expenses mount even quicker and can become astronomical. If your personal liability is involved, you want protection against the kind of catastrophic losses that would threaten your personal assets after the limits of an ordinary automobile or homeowners policy are exhausted. Umbrella Insurance policies pick up where your other policies leave off, providing extra coverage for large claims.

In today’s world, almost every claim has the potential of developing into a lawsuit and a huge liability awards are becoming more frequent. You want to protect yourself and your family from the threat of financial ruin. With an Umbrella Insurance Policy, you can enjoy peace of mind. Could you pay for damages out of pocket should you be sued?

Who is covered?

This policy covers every permanent member of your household. This includes you, your resident spouse, resident relatives and any person under the age of 21 living under your care. Protection will apply anywhere in the world.

What is protected?


  • Bodily injury to others
  • Property damage to others
  • Personal injury to others, such as libel, slander and malicious prosecution
  • Defense costs


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